Thursday, March 29, 2012

Alternate Ending to Act III


Nora has left Torvald for good. Mrs. Linde’s and Krogstad’s relationship hasn’t worked because he does not love her anymore. The day Nora left Torvald sunk into a depression and has never been the same. But he wants to prove that he is a man because he would not give up his honor and beg Nora to come home. Dr. Rank has passed way and everyone has come out to bid him adieu. His funeral is one that people will be talking about for a long time.

            (Nora is glancing down at Dr. Rank in the casket with a stricken face while Krogstad stares at her.)

Krogstad: Ms. Helmer, how do you do?

Nora: Oh, Mr. Krogstad. I thought you were Torvald; I was about to walk away. Well I’m doing fine. How do you do? Oh how’s Mrs. Linde?

Krogstad: Oh I thought that you heard the relationship between me and Kristine has not worked out so we have separated like you and Torvald. I wanted to ask you,  did I ruin your relationship with Torvald because of the letter because I did send the bond back.

Nora: Oh, no Krogstad that letter and bond showed me that Torvald never really cared for me. He liked to show me off to the public and pretend that we were a big happy family.

Krogstad; Well, Nora there was something that I was hiding from you for many years now and that is that, I love you! I have known you forever since we were children but I knew that I could never have you because you deserve a better man than me. But my offer stands I will marry you and treat you like a husband does.

Nora didn’t know what to think. For when she was little she had a childish crush on him also. She really wanted a husband and Torvald was never going to be her husband again.

(As Krogstad was walking away.)

Nora: Krogstad, WAIT!! I will marry you. I think I love you as well. I do hope you really will treat me like your wife.

            He runs over to her and lifts her up ant twirls and does not care about his appearance. Everyone is staring at them Kristine has a look of betrayal on her face, Torvald just looks more depressed. Nora and Krogstad has three children and their life is filled with a lot of happiness. He got another job in a different town but is always home at 5 o’clock for dinner. Nora has found herself a job also and is allowed to do many more things like eat macaroons whenever she wants to. Kristine and Torvald both get married but their life id s filled with a lot of depression. Torvald later dies of a broken heart.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Act II

           Act two of a Doll’s house showed us many things that were not expected. Nora is very, very smart. I thought that she was really dumb in the first act but found that she is very sneaky. No one would ever guess that she borrowed money without her husband knowing and she flirts with Dr. Rank. I would expect to be Krogstad because she could seduce him and then he would never tell her husband but Nora wants to borrow more money, than the circle of deceit will never end.  While Dr. Rank is in excruciating pain because of his illness and he’s bankrupt he tells Nora of how he loves her .Why does he love her?  When the lamp comes in Nora says “You’re a fine one Dr. Rank! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself, now that the lamps come in! ” This story is becoming intolerable to read.
            Krogstad seems to be getting meaner in every scene that we see him in. He talks to Nora about giving Torvald a letter filled with all of the truth about the forgery and loan, which could ruin her reputation. At the end Nora tries to distract Torvald from getting the mail by acting terrible while performing the tarantella. Nora says to Torvald, “Sit down and play for me, Torvald dear; criticize me, and show me where I’m going, like you always do.”  At the end of the scene Nora makes a decision that changes the entire mood of the scene. She decides to kill herself and says, “ Twenty-four and seven …. Thirty-one hours to live

Monday, March 19, 2012

Act 1

     In Act 1 of a Doll's House we are introduced to a variety of characters. Some who need to really learn a little self-control. At the beginning of the story it shows Nora coming home after shopping.  Torvald comes in and jokes around with her. But he not once called her by her name, he called her pet names. To me that is demeaning to Nora’s character. Torvald says to Nora “It's a sweet little bird, but it gets through a terrible amount of money. You wouldn't believe how much it costs a man when he's got a little song-bird like you!” Torvald says that to Nora because she loves to squander money. When Ms. Linde comes into the story Nora says how she wants to hear everything about her but she keeps talking about herself, which is very self-righteous. She says to Ms. Linde “Yes - someday, perhaps, after many years, when I am no longer as pretty as I am now. Don't laugh at me! I mean, of course, when Torvald is no longer as devoted to me as he is now; when my dancing and dressing-up and reciting have palled on him then it may be a good thing to have something in reserve.” She says this after she tells Ms. Linde about the secret she’s keeping.

                When Krogstad comes into the story Nora becomes very nervous. He’s blackmailing her by making her tell her husband not to fire him or if she doesn’t he’ll tell Torvald about the note. But Nora tells him about her forged signature which could possibly ruin her life. She says, “Hasn't a daughter the right to protect her dying father from worry and anxiety? Hasn't a wife the right to save her husband's life? I don't know much about the law, but I'm quite certain that it must say somewhere that things like that are allowed.”  For her amortization she has to pay it to Krogstad. While we advance into the book the plot will thicken.

I commented on Caffaro's, Ivan's, and Amaya's.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Henrik Johan Ibsen is kinda Cool!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012
       Hi everyone! My name is Nabeehah Sackoor but everyone I know calls me Nabi. Well, I like almost everyone  in my English class (just kidding I like everyone). My favorite short story is "The Cabuliwallah", I absolutely loved it. It shows a real mistake that everyone makes when they haven't seen someone in a long time. I can totally relate to that story.
        Henrik Johan Ibsen was born on March 20th, 1828. Sometimes Ibsen is referred  to as "the father" of modern theater. He lived in Skien, Norway. The plays or skits he wrote were supposedly scandalous in his era. Ibsen also wrote around about 300 poems. His era was the 19th century in which he was a theater director and Norwegian playwright. He was born to Knud and Marichen Ibsen. His father was a merchant but his family went through poverty because his father's business was not going to well. His family moved to a rundown farm near there, which is where his imagination grew. He was able to read, paint and perform magic tricks. But at 15 he dropped out of school to work. But he wrote his first play Catiline while apprenticed to a chemist. He went to University and kept on writing. He was also given a job as a writer and manager for a Norwegian Theatre in Bergen. At the end of his time he suffered many strokes and couldn't write anymore, which is very sad. In Norwegian he said "To the contrary." were his last words. Ibsen will be missed but everyone still loves his plays and poems. They speak the truth. He is said to be the second most popular of playwrights next to Shakespeare.
       A doll's house is the title of the play we are going to read. However after reading Ibsen's bio I think there is going to be a lot of scandals. But in a doll's house the dolls are controlled by the child or whoever is playing with the dolls. So I thought the play would be about controlling people but you never know there probably is controlling people. This play is gonna be very good.